Version 3.12.1

3.7.3. Telegram

Here is an example of notification config to send backups events to the Telegram bot. You can find out how to create a webhook in telegram in the official documentation

  - webhook_url: "<bot_id>:<token>/sendMessage"
    enabled: true
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    payload_message_key: "text"
      "chat_id": <chat_id>
      "disable_web_page_preview": 1

`webhooks` reference for nxs-backup.conf:

webhooks: list 
    # Enables this notification channel 
  - enabled: bool # Default: true
    # URL where the webhook request will be sent. POST method is used to send webhooks. When sending a POST request, the body is json. 
    webhook_url: string # Required
    # The json key is defined, which will contain the event message.
    payload_message_key: string # Required
    # Here you can define additional json key/value pairs to customize your request body. For example, to set style.
    extra_payload: map # Optional
    # Here you can define additional json key/value pairs to customize your request headers, if it is required. For example, to auth your request.
    extra_headers: map # Optional
    # Allows you to send a request to a server with a self-signed certificate.
    insecure_tls: bool # Default: false
    # Here it defines the minimum level of events to be sent to the webhook. Each event in the log has a certain level: "error", "warning", "info", "debug". 
    message_level: string # Default: warning