Version 3.12.0

1.2. Features

Here is a list of the main features that nxs-backup provides.

  • Full data backup
    • Files backups:
      • Discrete
      • Incremental
    • Database backups:
      • Discrete
      • Logical backups of MySQL/Percona (5.7/8.0/all versions)
      • Logical backups of MariaDB (10/11/all versions)
      • Physical backups by Xtrabackup (2.4/8.0) of MySQL/Percona (5.7/8.0/all versions)
      • Physical backups by MariaDB-backup of MariaDB (10/11/all versions)
      • Logical backups of PostgreSQL (9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/all versions)
      • Physical backups by Basebackups of PostgreSQL (9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/all versions)
      • Backups of MongoDB (4.0/4.2/4.4/5.0/6.0/7.0/all versions)
      • Backups of Redis (all versions)
    • Support of user-defined scripts that extend functionality
  • Upload and manage backups to the remote storage:
    • S3 (Simple Storage Service that provides object storage through a web interface. Supported by clouds e.g. AWS, GCP)
    • SSH (SFTP)
    • FTP
    • CIFS (SMB)
    • NFS
    • WebDAV
  • Notifications via email and webhooks about events of the backup process;
  • Collect, export, and save metrics in Prometheus-compatible format;
  • Limiting resource consumption:
    • CPU usage
    • disk rate
    • remote storage