Version 3.12.0

2.3.2. Docker-compose

To configure nxs-backup in docker-compose, you need to follow two steps.

1. Prepare docker-compose.yml with nxs-backup image and correct volume mounts. The directory in which the copies will be stored must be mounted as a volume. When backing up files, mount the files to be backed up as volumes (including if required a physical copy of the databases).

Example of docker-compose with two volumes:

    image: nixyslab/nxs-backup:latest
    container_name: nxs-backup
    - nxs-backup
    - -c
    - /nxs-backup.conf
    - start
    - all
    - type: bind
      source: ./backup
      target: /var/nxs-backup/dump_tmp
    - type: bind
      source: /path/to/backup
      target: /path/to/backup
    - nxs-backup.conf
    file: ./nxs-backup.conf

When docker-compose is configured, you need to prepare nxs-backup.conf. Provided config from the repository contains the empty main config and the configs of the different types of jobs.

For more details on how to configure different types of backup jobs, see Usage

To run nxs-backup on a regular schedule, you must add a call of docker-compose with nxs-backup to your crontab or cron.d

This is an example of the cron file defining rules for Cron daemon to run nxs-backup by schedule:


0 2 * * * root /usr/bin/docker compose up -d -f /var/apps/nxs-backup/docker-compose.yml