Version 3.8.0

3.3.2. Xtrabackup (MySQL physical) backups

A MySQL physical backup is a regular file archive. Backups are created in Binary format.


  • To make backups of your databases, you have to ensure that you have installed an xtrabackup utility that is compatible with the version of your database server.
  • There should be enough space in the directory where the temporary backup is created.
  • To back up the databases, nxs-backup must be running on the same host where the databases are located.
  • The database user and user who runs nxs-backup must have the following privileges

Here is an example of configs for creating a backup of all databases on MySQL server with datadir in /var/lib/mysql with exclude of “test” table of “test_db” databases.

This job config defines rules to make database backups on mysql server running on localhost:

job_name: mysql_xtrabackup
type: mysql_xtrabackup
tmp_dir: /var/backup/dump_tmp
safety_backup: false
deferred_copying: false
  - name: mysql_xtrabackup
    	db_host: localhost
    	db_port: "3306"
    	db_user: root
    	db_password: rootP@5s
    	- test_db.test
  	gzip: true
    is_slave: true
  	db_extra_keys: "--datadir=/var/lib/mysql"
  	prepare_xtrabackup: true
  - storage_name: local
  	backup_path: /var/backup/dump
    	days: 7
    	weeks: 4
    	months: 3

If you want to use remote storage to copy your backups for long storage, you should use the corresponding storage name and its retention parameters

Reference for mysql_xtrabackup.conf:

# Job unique name
job_name: string # Required

# Type of the backup job. `mysql_xtrabackup`
type: string # Required

# Path to the directory used to temporarily store the backup during the creation process
tmp_dir: string # Required

# The option defines the order of rotation (deletion of old) backups, before creating a new copy or afterwards
safety_backup: bool # Default: false

# The option allows you to postpone copying until all backup parts of the job are complete before its delivery
deferred_copying: bool # Default: false

# Contains a list of individual subtasks for creating backups
sources: list 
    # Unique subtask name, used to separate storage paths
  - name: string # Required
    # Defines a set of parameters for connecting to the database. You may use either auth_file or db_host,db_port or socket options. Options priority follows: auth_file → db_host → socket
    connect: map 
        # Path to MySQL auth file
        mysql_auth_file: string # Optional
        # DB host address
        db_host: string # Optional
        # DB port
        db_port: string # Optional
        # DB user
        db_user: string # Optional
        # DB password
        db_password: string # Optional
        # Path to DB socket
        socket: string # Optional
    # List of databases/tables to be excluded from backup  
    excludes: list 
        # Entry to exclude from the backup.
      - string # Optional
    # The option enables compression of the backup archive
    gzip: bool # Default: false
    # The option stops replication while collecting backups
    is_slave: bool # Default: false
    # Special parameters for collecting database backups. Will be passed as arguments to the `mysqldump` command
    db_extra_keys: string # Optional
    # Whether you need to make an xtrabackup prepare.
    prepare_xtrabackup: bool # Default: false

# List of storages to which backups should be delivered and their rotation rules
storages_options: list 
    # The name of the storage added to the main config. The name `local` is used to store a copy on host.
  - storage_name: string # Reuired
    # Path to directory where backups will be stored
    backup_path: string # Reuired
    # Set of rules to store and rotate the backups.
    retention: map 
      # Use backup retention count instead of retention period.
      count_instead_of_period: bool # Default: false
      # Count of days/daily copies to store backups. Multiple copies can be created in one day.
      days: numeric # Default: 7
      # Count of weeks/weekly copies to store backups created on sunday.
      weeks: numeric # Default: 5
      # Count of months/montly copies to store backups created on the first day of month.
      months: numeric # Default: 12