Version 3.8.0

3.8.2 Remote storage rate

The network speed limit for remote storage is set in the settings as the number of bytes per second. The value of the parameter is a string representing the number of bytes that can be written to disk per second. Values with suffixes indicating size are also accepted: kb, mb, gb, etc.

There are three levels for limiting the disk write speed. Each subsequent level will override the values of the previous level. To disable the limits use "0".

1. Basic (general) level in the main config in nxs-backup.conf allows you to set limits for all backup jobs.

Here is an example of remote storage net rate limit config in nxs-backup.conf:

include_jobs_configs: ["conf.d/*.conf"]

  net_rate: "10mb"

In this example, nxs-backup will limit the remote storage write speed for all the jobs to 10Mb/s.

2. Storage config level in the main config in nxs-backup.conf allows you to set limits for specific remote storage in its config.

Here is an example of remote storage with a net rate limit in nxs-backup.conf:

- name: s3_aws
  rate_limit: "100mb"
    bucket_name: backups_bucket
    access_key_id: my_s3_ak_id
    secret_access_key: ENV:S3_SECRET_KEY
    region: us-east-1

In this example, nxs-backup will limit the remote storage `s3_aws` speed rate to 100Mb/s regardless of the limits specified on the basic level.

3. Job level in its config allows you to set/override limits for this specific job.

Here is an example of remote storage net rate limit config in job config:

job_name: limited_files
type: desc_files

  net_rate: "50mb"

In this example, nxs-backup will limit the remote storage write speed for the job limited_files to 50Mb/s regardless of the limits specified in the main configuration.